Monday, October 31, 2011

Ever feel like this?

Wow, do we have a lot going on this week!  Which is awesome and a little crazy at the same time.  :)

Ever feel like this?

That's me this week... can I manage to balance all the things which need balancing (work, Emma, home, my other "non-work" obligations) while completing all the tasks I have on my plate this week. 

So far, I'm feeling good... got my list, prioritizing all the things to be done, checking them off as I go.  But... it's only Monday so I really need to have a little wiggle room in there too.  I have a few things yet to figure out, but, we always manage to get it all together and out the door.  And for that, I am incredibly grateful and thankful for the team at Emma's Friends.

Our Friends are madly wrapping soap, we have liquid soaps and shampoos in the pots sequestering, Dream Cream ingredients cooling to be mixed, jarred and labeled and then onto the next few items on the lists.  Gift baskets have been made and packed and all is going well in Emma's Friends land.  Of course... it's only Monday!  LOL!  ;) 

Wishing you all a wonderfully productive and adventure-filled week.  If not, stay tuned... you can live vicariously through us!  :D

Lynn & all of Emma's Friends (who would stop and say "Hi" but they're a little busy right now! ;)

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